Recent Workshop
Exhibition in Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference
12th & 13th October 2022 at Bharuch.
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) and IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN) together established a Common Research & Technology Development Hub (DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH) on Chemical Processes at IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN), Palaj, Gandhinagar. The initiative aims to engage MSMEs and other chemical industries to enhance their capabilities in technology know-how on effluent treatment, waste reduction, process improvement, research on new products and testing products/raw materials/effluents etc. Industry partners can be benefited from the state-of-the-art laboratory facilities as well as the interdisciplinary knowledge base at IIT Gandhinagar. The CRTDH at Bharuch is exhibited at the “Two days Exhibition in Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference” for industry partners.
Past Events
One-day training workshop on HPTLC for Industrial Product Analysis
20th July, 2022
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) and IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN) together established a Common Research & Technology Development Hub (DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH) on Chemical Processes at IIT Gandhinaagr (IITGN), Palaj, Gandhinagar. The initiative aims to engage MSMEs and other chemical industries to enhance their capabilities in technology know-how on effluent treatment, waste reduction, process improvement, research on new products and testing products/raw materials/effluents etc. Industry partners can be benefited from the state-of-the-art laboratory facilities as well as the interdisciplinary knowledge base at IIT Gandhinagar. The CRTDH at IITGN is arranging a one-day training workshop on “One-day training workshop on HPTLC for Industrial Product Analysis” for industry partners.
Process Hazard Analysis for Chemical Industries
29-30 December, 2021
Common Research & Technology Development Hub (CRTDH) in association with Centre for Safety Engineering at IIT Gandhinagar announces a two-day workshop on the “Process Hazard Analysis for Chemical Industries (PHA)” for plant practitioners, engineers, regulators and policymakers of Chemical industries. As part of this workshop, PHA tools such as HAZOP and Risk Analysis etc. would be discussed with practical case studies and group exercises etc. This workshop aims to train the participants on various risk reduction strategies to enhance process safety in chemical process industries. It will help professionals understand the challenges and best methods for a safer and healthy workplace by addressing the process hazard analysis.
Industry Interactions
with DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH@Nandesari11th December, 2021
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) and IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN) together established a Common Research & Technology Development Hub (DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH) on Chemical Processes at IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN), Palaj, Gandhinagar. The initiative aims to engage MSMEs and other chemical industries to
enhance their capabilities in technology know-how on effluent treatment, waste reduction, process improvement, research on new products and testing products/raw materials/effluents etc. Industry partners can be benefited from the state-of-the-art laboratory facilities as well as the interdisciplinary knowledge base at IIT Gandhinagar. DSIR – IIT Gandhinagar CRTDH team will be available at Nandesari to interact with industry members for help. Industry members are most welcome to discuss individual/clusterwise problems.
Industry Interactions
with DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH@VAPI29th February, 2020
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) and IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN) together established a Common Research & Technology Development Hub (DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH) on Chemical Processes at IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN), Palaj, Gandhinagar. The initiative aims to engage MSMEs and other chemical industries to
enhance their capabilities in technology know-how on effluent treatment, waste reduction, process improvement, research on new products and testing products/raw materials/effluents etc. Industry partners can be benefited from the state-of-the-art laboratory facilities as well as the interdisciplinary knowledge base at IIT Gandhinagar. DSIR – IIT Gandhinagar CRTDH team will be available at Vapi to interact with industry members for help. Industry members are most welcome to discuss individual/clusterwise problems.
One-day training workshop on
Use of High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography
(HPTLC) for Industrial Product Analysis
19st February, 2020
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) and IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN) together established a Common Research & Technology Development Hub (DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH) on Chemical Processes at IIT Gandhinaagr (IITGN), Palaj, Gandhinagar. The initiative aims to engage MSMEs and other chemical industries to
enhance their capabilities in technology know-how on effluent treatment, waste reduction, process improvement, research on new products and testing products/raw materials/effluents etc. Industry partners can be benefited from the state-of-the-art laboratory facilities as well as the interdisciplinary knowledge base at IIT Gandhinagar. The CRTDH at IITGN is arranging a one-day training workshop on “Use of High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) for Industrial Product Analysis” for industry partners.
DSIR and IITGN sponsored Common Research and Technology Development Hub (CRTDH) at IITGN organized a one-day workshop on “Use of High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) for Industrial Product Analysis” on February 19, 2020. Several industry members (15) and IIT students (total number of participants ~25) attended the workshop. The workshop mainly targeted engagement of MSMEs and other chemical industries to enhance their hands-on skills on HPTLC for industrial product analysis. The gathering was addressed by Prof. Chinmay Ghoroi (PI, CRTDH) who shared philosophy behind setting up the CRTDH and its importance in the current competitive market scenario. Prof. Chinmay also showcased the developments at CRTDH and its capabilities for solving industrial problems. Hands-on training was conducted by Mr. Pratik Sinalkar (Application Specialist) from Anchrom Enterprises India Pvt. Ltd. (Mumbai). The training workshop covered the sample preparation using USP 2017 article 1064 method; regulatory acceptance as per USP 202, 203, 1064 guidelines. The workshop provided significant information on challenges faced in analysis of complex samples using HPTLC-MS. Several case studies and applications were discussed such as identification of new molecules, Dye, Textile, herbal, Pharmaceuticals, Forensic, Food, etc. followed by an active hands-on practical session.

DSIR and IITGN sponsored Common Research and Technology Development Hub (CRTDH) at IITGN organized a one-day workshop, on “Reducing discharge of hazardous chemicals in dye and textile industries” on October 24, 2018. Several industry partners and academician (total attendees ~70) attended the workshop. The workshop was focused on various problems of toxic discharge from dye and textile industries. The program objective was to provide basic information for the upcoming regulation on Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemical policy – 2020 (ZDHC), helping industry stay informed and take necessary action to reduce the discharge of hazardous chemical of dye and textile industries. The workshop also provided significant information on government incentive and support schemes for the industry partners, challenges faced by the industry as well as some success stories of Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP).
DSIR and IITGN sponsored Common Research and Technology Development Hub (CRTDH) at IITGN organized a one-day workshop, on “Reducing discharge of hazardous chemicals in dye and textile industries” on October 24, 2018. Several industry partners and academician (total attendees ~70) attended the workshop. The workshop was focused on various problems of toxic discharge from dye and textile industries. The program objective was to provide basic information for the upcoming regulation on Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemical policy – 2020 (ZDHC), helping industry stay informed and take necessary action to reduce the discharge of hazardous chemical of dye and textile industries. The workshop also provided significant information on government incentive and support schemes for the industry partners, challenges faced by the industry as well as some success stories of Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP).
Prof. Amit Prashant (Dean R&D, IIT Gandhinagar) welcomed the guests. The workshop was graced by Shri D. R. Parmar (Dy. Commissioner & Jt. Commissioner of Industries, Industries Commissionerate, Govt. of Gujarat) who talked about the various incentives from the Govt. of Gujarat for the industries for activities related to the environment. Several eminent experts from the industry and academia such as Shri Haresh Bhutta (Hon. Secretary, The Gujarat Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association, Ahmedabad), Shri Anand Parekh (President, Textile Business at Reliance Indus Ltd), Dr. C. N. Pandey (Visiting Faculty at IIT Gandhinagar & Chairman, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India), Shri Shailesh I. Patwari (Chairman, Naroda Enviro Project Ltd, Naroda, Ahmedabad & Ex-President of Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industries, GCCI) and Shri Deepak Davda (CEO, The Green Environment Services Co-op. Soc. Ltd. Vatva, Ahmedabad) also contributed with their insights.
Shri R. A. Venkitachalam the Industry Advisor of IITGN chaired a panel discussion and engaged panel members Shri Shrenik Merchant (Chairman, Environment Committee of GCCCI), Shri M. N. Subramanian (Director, Ahmedabad Textile Industry’s Research Association, ATIRA) and the participants for an intense discussion on “Present problems and way forward to reduce the hazardous industrial discharge from dye & textile”. Shri Ritesh Niyogi (National Sales Manager, Consumer & Retail Services, Underwriters Laboratories,) and Shri Vivek Sharma (Consumer Operations Manager, Underwriters Laboratories) spoke about the importance of upcoming regulation on Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemical policy, the indicators of ZDHC and ways to achieve ZDHC etc. The DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH team (Prof. Chinmay Ghoroi, Prof. Babji Srinivasan and Prof. Swaminathan) showcased the solution developed at IITGN for the dye and textile industries. Prof. Chinmay Ghoroi, the Principal Investigator of CRTDH, explained the importance of CRTDH in the current competitive market scenario and its capabilities to serve industry partner. He urged industry partners to cooperate and involve themselves in various activities of the CRTDH. The workshop was concluded with a visit to the CRTDH facility and showcasing its current capability for handling industry problems.
DSIR and IITGN sponsored Common Research and Technology Development Hub (CRTDH) at IITGN organized a one-day workshop, on “Use of ICP-MS to determine the toxic heavy metals in industrial effluents” on October 31, 2018. Fourteen industry partners were participated in the workshop along with few researchers from IITGN. In the workshop, Prof. Chinmay Ghoroi, the Principal Investigator of CRTDH, talked about CRTDH and presented the current development and facilities in the CRTDH including the ICP-MS facility. The workshop was mainly on the basic principle of the ICP-MS and ICP-OES including its calibration and standardization of the instrument. The universal challenges with Inorganic technique including the sample preparation and removal of the various interference. After providing the basic theoretical background on the various techniques, participants were visited the labs for demonstration of sample preparation using the microwave digester followed by the ICP-MS and ICP-OES demonstration at the CRTDH Lab.